Terms & Conditions

This document constitutes the Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “T&C”) governing the use of the www.Easy-Spelling.com website (the “Website”) and associated services provided by Easy-Spelling, a division of Heartspace Publications (the “Company”). Users are implored to review these T&C meticulously prior to registering for our course or navigating the Website. These T&C are applicable to all interactions with the Website and the Company. By ticking the designated box and utilizing the Website, users tacitly signify their assent to these T&C. Easy-Spelling reserves the right to modify these T&C periodically. Users are responsible for reviewing the current T&C regularly.

The provisions of these T&C are binding and delineate the manner in which users and the Company conduct business. Users may not modify these T&C or disregard them. Easy-Spelling authorizes users to access their lessons on the Website for the duration of the purchased course. Registration and usage of the Website do not confer any proprietary rights over the course, materials, or branding to the user. Users acknowledge that they have no right to raise any claims against Easy-Spelling due to any inadequacies in our services or Website.

In these T&C we offer the following definitions The product is our website, our service, and spelling course. Personal details are the details that we collect from students upon registration, before commencing the course. www.Easy-Spelling.com is the location that the lessons are held. Fee/Payment is the payment (or fee) cost to a student to benefit from the course Copyright and trademark; Our trademark is our property and colour thereof forms our branding. The courses, and logo we offer are under copyright law. Both are the property of Easy-Spelling. The operating country is the hosting country of Easy-Spelling. This is currently Australia.

License to utilise our course will only be given upon the payment in full of the course fee. Payments details are on our Registration Page. There is no cancellation once you have created login details. However, if you have changed your mind, before you create login details, and providing it is within five (5) working days, please email your refund request to pat@heartspacepublications.com Refunds will be returned, less 15% administration fee. Once you have logged on to our website, but wish to terminate your course activity, there is no refund. However, we would appreciate you informing us on pat@heartspacepublications.com as to why you want to terminate. We use this information to reduce student “fall off”. Should you breach any of the T&C of this site we have the option to terminate you access to the course.

Easy-Spelling has taken every necessary precaution, to ensure it functions correctly, and to have no “down-time” However, we accept no liability for any loss as a result of the site malfunction or down time. We will endeavour to get it back on line as a top priority. Students must be aware that system upgrades will be done from time to time. This could disrupt normal functionality for its duration.

Easy-Spelling does not accept liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages to any user or organisation as defined by that/those users. In affect, there are no damages that Easy-Spelling will be responsible for, or from; caused by malfunction, being off-line, latent bugs, or for any reason whatsoever pertaining to our website Easy-Spelling; and or our service delivery. We are further indemnified against hacking or theft of data (in our databases) by devious means. Nor will we be liable for any perceived loss by yourself, irrespective of the cause. You use this website at your own risk. By using our website or services you indemnify Easy-Spelling (the company and the website) from any damage as reflected above, or items not reflected above.

By using this website, you agree to all the T&C herein. You also agree that the T&C fall under Australian law (Victoria), and any legal proceedings will be in Victoria, Australia.
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